Somebody once said that there are no finished films, just abandoned projects. In this spirit, our latest project is finally finished- Delete False Culture is complete- speaking of greener pastures, the brilliant shooter/editor/compositor known to many as Bentley is leaving the black lab for London. We'll miss him, but with any luck, he'll be back-
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
the further adventures of black lab
Right now, the project we're grinding out is the video for Decahedron-"Delete False Culture", and it's almost finished.The theme of this video is media bombardment and its dehumanizing effects on the soul, or something thereabouts, and it's been a great excuse to just throw everything into a visual blender. Decahedron as a band have been most generous creatively, letting us experiment and branch out artistically, which is a great environment for making music video. It should be finished very, very soon...
October 2004
December 2004
February 2005
May 2005
December 2005
February 2006
June 2006
December 2006